Reiki Degrees / Certifications
Reiki is a spiritual and physical healing method. Reiki allows you to use universal life force energy to heal yourself or others. Learning Reiki healing does not require any expensive equipment and is easily learned by anyone. You need to complete four levels of Reiki learn Reiki healing and become a Reiki Master/Teacher.
A total of four levels, or degrees, progress to becoming a Certified Teacher. Certificates are awarded after each degree is completed.

The first degree of Reiki (Shoden) teaches you how Reiki works and it’s history. To learn Reiki healing you will be taught the various Reiki systems and finalize with your first attunement allowing you to tune in to the life energy and perform healing and stress management..
The second degree level of Reiki (Okuden) teaches distance healing. On your journey to learn Reiki healing you will understand how distance healing channels Reiki energies into someone who can be anywhere in the world. First degree level Reiki is mainly about physical healing whilst at the second degree level Reiki you learn about the mental, spiritual and emotional levels of healing.
The third degree/ Master level of Reiki (Skipaden) you learn the meaning of Reiki symbols and how to use them. You learn other healing methods, the sacred mantras and the different energies in detail.
In the final Teacher Reiki level you are shown how to lead/ teach others and how to attune and work remotely. You will also be able to hold and guide your own Degrees/ Levels.
"Once you have taken the Master attunement, expect the unexpected, and you won't be disappointed." Joe Jones
Many other Reiki locations are extremely expensive and may take considerable time to bring you to Teacher level. What we have here for you is a complete degree (level)
in one weekend working face to face with a knowledgeable Certified Teacher.
Please see price list for cost, discounts and specials on Reiki Degrees. Don't forget to ask about our online/ Distant degrees that are offered.
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