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Sanskrit name: Muladhara (root)
Location: Base of spine, at the seat of Kundalini
Symbol: A circle surrounded by four lotus petals, with a square inside it.
Central Ability: Survival, stability, acceptance, self-preservation, deep-rootedness, perception, grounding, fear and safety
Color: Red
Essential oils: Patchouli, cedar wood, sandalwood
Crystals and Stones: Onyx, Hematite, Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Red Coral, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Red Jasper, Fire Opal, Jet, Aragonite, Fire Agate, Ruby, Obsidian, Rhodochrosite, Smoky Quartz, Galena, Dravite, Red Calcite, Chiastolite, Septarian (Dragonstone), Staurolite, Sphalerite
Stars and Astrological signs: Planets Mars, Pluto, and Saturn; Signs of Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn;
Sound or mantra: "Lam"
Sense: Smell & Taste
Body: The physical body
Orientation to self: Self-preservation
Goals: Stability, grounding, physical health, prosperity, trust
Rights: To be here, to have
Developmental stage: Womb to 12 months
Identity: Physical identity
Level of relationship: Tribal
Holding Pattern: Fear
Element: Earth
Hormonal glands: Sexual and adrenal
Organs: Immune system, base of spine, legs, bones and bone marrow, feet, rectum, physical body support
Excessive: Restlessness, Lack of energy, Loss of interest in the real world or practical survival, Volatile emotions, Obsession with one thing, Selfishness, Sluggish, lazy, tired, monotony, obesity, overeating, hoarding, materialism, greed, Fear of change, addiction to security
Deficient: Fearful, anxious, restless, lack of discipline, underweight, financial difficulty, Chronic disorganization
Balanced: Good health, vitality, well grounded, sense of trust in the world, feeling safe and secure, stability, prosperity, ability to relax
Physical Dysfunctions: Frequent illness, disorders of the bowel, large intestine, bones, teeth, problems with legs, feet , base of spine(chronic lower back pain, sciatica); eating disorders; depression; immune-related disorders; skin problems; lack of energy;
Addictions: Food, gambling, shopping, work
Traumas and Abuses: Birth trauma, abandonment, physical neglect, poor physical bonding with the mother, malnourishment, feeding difficulty, major illness or surgery, physical abuse, inherited traumas (ie. war, poverty, etc.)
Spiritual challenge: How well we manage our physical world;
HEALING STRATEGY: Physical activity, lots of touch, massage, reconnect with the body, grounding, Hatha yoga, look at earliest childhood relationship to mother, reclaim your right to be here;
It is safe to me to be here.
The earth supports me and meets my needs.
I love my body and trust its wisdom.
I am interested in abundance.
I am here and I am real.
I trust my Higher Self fulfills all my needs.
My life is full of prosperity.

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